Configurable Features

The next section will outline the configurable features available within the Event Settings section of Lineup Ninja.

Whilst you can create these in the initial set up of your event, they are likely to be continuously updated as you build your event. Labels, custom fields and file types can be utilised across the Speaker Portal, Submission Flows and Agenda Planning to unlock organisational and scheduling power within your event.

Watch the video below for some initial information about Labels, Custom Fields and File Types.


Explore how to categorise and tag your event data with Labels.

Custom Fields

Learn how to create and utilize Custom Fields in your event.

File Types

Learn how to group files and images by type.

If you have something you wished that LineUp Ninja could do for your event, speak to one of the team as we may be able to facilitate this through the use of configurable features.

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Email and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.​​​​​