Event Settings
How do I edit my event’s name?
There are two ways to edit the event’s name:
- Navigate to and click on the at the end of the relevant event’s row
- Navigate to your event’s and click on the next to the event’s name at the top of the page
How do I set the timezone for my event?
To set your timezone, navigate to the relevant event’s
and click the next to Timezone.
How do I set the language for my event?
The administrative interface of Lineup Ninja is only available in English. As an event planner, you can write all of the questions for your submitters in another language, and you can translate certain terms in the Agenda App into your own language.
What is an Event Date?
An ‘Event Date’ is a period of time in which you schedule sessions. Generally, you will configure one ‘date’ for each day of your event. For example, you might have:
- Tuesday 10:00 > 17:00
- Wednesday 09:00 > 17:00
- Thursday 10:00 > 16:00
When you are scheduling sessions within
, you will see a planning board for each of these days.How do I add new dates to my event?
To add a new date at any point, navigate to
and click . If you are just starting with your event, the change will be saved immediately. If you are adding the date after you have added speakers, locations or a Submission Flow, the Event Date Wizard will guide you through the options to update the existing content.If you have a published Submission Flow with an ‘availability’ question, Lineup Ninja will ask you if you want to show the new date to submitters.
You can always change this later: just navigate into the Submission Flow form, edit the availability question and toggle off the visibility option.
Lineup Ninja will also ask you how you want to mark speakers’ and locations’ availability. You can:
- Choose to mark the speakers/ locations as entirely available or unavailable for the new date
- Copy their availability from an existing date (e.g. if you have configured breaks into your locations, you can copy this availability to a new date to save you from configuring it again)
How do I change the dates of my event?
To change a date/time, navigate to
and click the in the row of the date/time you are changing. If you are just starting with your event, the change will be saved immediately. If you are changing the date/ time after you have added speakers, locations or a submission flow, the Event Date Wizard will guide you through the options to update the existing content.The exact pop-up you see will vary depending on what type of change you are making and what content you already have.
Changes you can make to event dates and times:
Changing to a new date
Sessions - For scheduled sessions, you can either have them scheduled at the same time on the new date, or unschedule them entirely.
Speakers - For speakers, you can choose whether their availability should be copied to the new date, or you can just mark them as available or unavailable for the new date. If you have asked an availability question on a Submission Flow, then their answer will also be updated to reflect this change.
Locations - For locations, you can choose whether the existing availability should be copied to the new date or you can just mark them as available or unavailable for the new date.
If you have configured breaks into your agenda, then you probably want to choose to use the existing availability.
Changing the start time
If you are changing the start time of a day, you have two options for the scheduled sessions and speaker and location availability (including breaks):
- Move to reflect the new start time (e.g. if you are changing a start time from 09:00 > 10:00, you can move all scheduled items forward by one hour)
- Keep in all sessions their existing time. This will unschedule any sessions outside the new times.
Making the day longer
If the new is longer, we will expand the current availability (or unavailability) of speakers and locations into the new time. All scheduled sessions will remain unchanged.
Making the day shorter
If the new day is shorter, the sessions that no longer fit into the available time will be unscheduled. To avoid this, you can manually reschedule sessions with Agenda Planning so they will all fit within the new day duration before making the change.
Next - Copy Event
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