JSON Endpoint Embedded References Schema


This page defines the schema when you choose the ‘Embed Referenced’ option. Please see this page for available schema.


As our product develops we will add new fields to the schema without notice.

Where possible we will not deprecate or remove existing fields, if this becomes required we will notify active users of the integration.


When using Embedded References the initial response to the GET will return a 302 with a temporary url for the entire document.

These are the typescript definitions for the document.

Note that ‘speakers’ are called ‘contributors’ in the document.

References are embedded one level deep, for example a session will contain all contributors but those contributors will not in turn include their sessions. To access all sessions for a contributor, access the contributor from the top level contributors object.

     * Contributors are the speakers for the event
    contributors: Contributor[];
     * Labels, aka tags, can be assigned to contributors, sessions, tracks, resources and locations
    labels: Label[];
     * Locations are where sessions take place
    locations: Location[];
      * Resources are things that sessions need. Locations can have resources assigned to them.
      * Sessions are then required to be scheduled in a location with matching resources.
    resources: Resource[];
     * Roles model the relationship between contributors and sessions, eg Chair, Panel Member etc...
    roles: Role[];
     * Sessions are sessions....
    sessions: Session[];
      * A session can take place in one or many tracks.
    tracks: Track[];

Contributor (aka Speaker)

     * The UUID for the speaker
    id: string;
     * The speaker's title eg Mr, Mrs, Mx...
    honorific: string | null;
     * The speaker's first name
    firstName: string | null;
     * The speaker's last name
    lastName: string | null;
     * Any letters after the speaker's name, eg 'Esq', 'OBE' etc...
    postNominal: string | null;
     * The speaker's email. Note that some speakers may not have an email address, it is also not guaranteed to be unique.
    email: string | null;
     * The speaker's company
    company: string | null;
     * The speaker's job title at their company
    position: string | null;
     * The speaker's phone number
    phone: string | null;
     * The speakers country code, eg 'gb'
     * The data is sourced from https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/
     * Our current dataset can be found here https://app.lineup.ninja/countries.json
    countryCode: string | null;
     * The speakers country name, eg 'United Kingdom'
     * The data is sourced from https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/
     * Some names are tweaked to improve presentation eg 'United Kingdom', rather than 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)'
     * Our current dataset can be found here https://app.lineup.ninja/countries.json
    countryName: string | null;
     * The URL for the speaker's X feed
    twitter: string | null;
     * The URL for the speaker's Facebook page
    facebook: string | null;
     * THe URL for the speaker's LinkedIn page
    linkedin: string | null;
     * The URL for the speaker's Instagram page
    instagram: string | null;
     * The URL for the speaker's Youtube channel
    youtube: string | null;
     * The URL for the speaker's GitHub Profile
    github: string | null;
     * The URL for the speaker's Website
    website: string | null;
     * The speakers bio formatted in Markdown
    bio: string | null;
     * The speakers bio formatted in HTML
    bio_HTML: string;
     * A URL to the speakers headshot, 128x128px
    headshotURL: string | null;
     * A URL for the speakers headshot at 256x256px
    headshot2xURL: string | null;
     * A URL for the speakers headshot at 512x512px
    headshot4xURL: string | null;
     * A URL for the speakers headshot at 1024x1024px
    headshot8xURL: string | null;
     * A URL to the speakers company logo, to fit within 128x128px
    logoURL: string | null;
     * A URL to the speakers company logo, to fit within 256x256px
    logo2xURL: string | null;
     * A URL to the speakers company logo, to fit within 512x512px
    logo4xURL: string | null;
     * A URL to the speakers company logo, to fit within 1024x1024px
    logo8xURL: string | null;
     * The speakers availability
    availability: Availability[];
     * The labels assigned to the speaker
    labels: Label[];
     * The sessions assigned to the speaker
    sessions: {
        Session & {
             * The name of the role of the speaker. If any
            roleName: string : null;
     * Any notes for the speaker. These are generally intended to be kept private.
    notes: string | null;
     * When the speaker was last modified in UTC.
     * eg 2022-02-04T18:03:03.662Z
    lastModified: Date;
     * Any Data Sources referenced for this speaker
    references?: SourceReferences | undefined;
     * Any data for Custom Fields for this speaker
    customFieldData: CustomFieldData[];

     * Files attached to the speaker
     * Note that files are not included by default. You can configure this per publication as required.
     * For headshot and logo it is probably easier to use the headshot and logo properties above
    files: File[];

     * If the speaker was created from a submission this will include the details for the submission
     * If a speaker was submitted to multiple submissions then there will be multiple origins
     * This data exists for contributors created/updated after 16 June 2023
    origins: ContentOrigin[]


     * The UUID for the label
    id: string;
     * The name of the label
    name: string;
     * A description of the label formatted in Markdown
    description: string | null;
     * A description of the label formatted in HTML
    description_HTML: string;
     * The UUIDs of contributors (speakers) assigned to this label
    contributors: Contributor[];
     * The locations assigned to this label
    locations: Location[];
     * The resources assigned to this label
    resources: Resource[];
     * The sessions assigned to this label
    sessions: Session[];
     * The tracks assigned to this label
    tracks: Track[];
     * When the label was last modified in UTC
     * eg 2022-02-04T18:03:03.662Z
    lastModified: Date;
     * Any Data Sources referenced for this label
    references?: SourceReferences | undefined;
     * Any data for Custom Fields for this label
    customFieldData: CustomFieldData[];

     * Files attached to the label
     * Note that files are not included by default. You can configure this per publication as required.
    files: File[];



     * The UUID for the location
    id: string;
     * The name of the location
    name: string;
     * A description of the location formatted in Markdown
    description: string | null;
     * A description of the location formatted in HTML
    description_HTML: string;
     * The availability of the location
    availability: Availability[];
     * The labels assigned to this location
    labels: Label[];
     * The resources assigned to this location
    resources: Resource[];
     * The sessions taking place in this location
    sessions: Session[];
     * The tracks taking place in this location
    tracks: Track[];
     * When the location was last modified in UTC
     * eg 2022-02-04T18:03:03.662Z
    lastModified: Date;
     * Any Data Sources referenced for this location
    references?: SourceReferences | undefined;
     * Any data for Custom Fields for this location
    customFieldData: CustomFieldData[];
     * Files attached to the location
     * Note that files are not included by default. You can configure this per publication as required.
    files: File[];



     * The UUID for the resource
    id: string;
     * The name of the resource
    name: string;
     * A description of the resource formatted in Markdown
    description: string | null;
     * A description of the resource formatted in HTML
    description_HTML: string;
     * The labels assigned to this resource
    labels: Label[];
     * The locations with this resource
    locations: Location[];
     * The sessions needing this resource
    sessions: Session[];
     * When the resource was last modified in UTC
     * eg 2022-02-04T18:03:03.662Z
    lastModified: Date;
     * Any Data Sources referenced for this resource
    references?: SourceReferences | undefined;
     * Any data for Custom Fields for this resource
    customFieldData: CustomFieldData[];
     * Files attached to the resource
     * Note that files are not included by default. You can configure this per publication as required.
    files: File[];



Roles model the relationship between contributors and sessions, eg Chair, Panel Member etc…

     * The UUID for the role
    id: string;
     * The name of the role
    name: string;


     * The UUID for the session
    id: string;
     * The name of the session
    name: string;
     * A code for the session. This is created by the Event Manager, eg TECH101.
    code: string | null;
     * A description of the session formatted in Markdown
    description: string | null;
     * A description of the session formatted in HTML
    description_HTML: string;
     * If the session is scheduled, the start date of the session in UTC
     * eg 2022-02-04T18:03:03.662Z
    startDate: Date | null;
     * If the session is scheduled, the end date of the session in UTC
     * eg 2022-02-04T18:03:03.662Z
    endDate: Date | null;
     * The duration of the session in milliseconds
    duration: number | null;
     * If the session is scheduled, the location it is scheduled in
    location: Location | null;
     * Any notes for the location. These are generally intended to be kept private.
    notes: string | null;
     * The contributors (speakers) for this session
    contributors: {
        Contributor & {
             * The name of the role of the speaker. If any
            roleName: string : null;
     * The labels assigned to this session
    labels: Label[];
     * The resources assigned to this session
    resources: Resource[];
     * The tracks assigned to this session
    tracks: Track[];
     * When the session was last modified in UTC
     * eg 2022-02-04T18:03:03.662Z
    lastModified: Date;
     * Any Data Sources referenced for this session
    references?: SourceReferences | undefined;
     * Any data for Custom Fields for this session
    customFieldData: CustomFieldData[];
     * Files attached to the session
     * Note that files are not included by default. You can configure this per publication as required.
    files: File[];
     * If the session was created from a submission this will include the details for the submission
     * A session may have multiple origins if multiple submissions were linked to it
     * This data exists for sessions created/updated after 16 June 2023
    origins: ContentOrigin[]


Note that a session may not yet be scheduled by the Event Manager. In this case it will not have a start or end time, nor a location.


     * The UUID for the track
    id: string;
     * The name of the track
    name: string;
     * The description of the track formatted in Markdown
    description: string | null;
     * The description of the track formatted in HTML
    description_HTML: string;
     * The color of the track formatted in HEX
     * eg #FF00B1
    color: string | null;
     * The labels in this track
    labels: Label[];
     * The sessions in this track
    sessions: Session[];
     * When the track was last modified in UTC
     * eg 2022-02-04T18:03:03.662Z
    lastModified: Date;
     * Any Data Sources referenced for this track
    references?: SourceReferences | undefined;
     * Any data for Custom Fields for this track
    customFieldData: CustomFieldData[];
     * Files attached to the track
     * Note that files are not included by default. You can configure this per publication as required.
    files: File[];


Custom Field Data

An event may have Custom Fields. If data has been set for that item then the values will be returned in customFieldData

     * The UUID for this data
    id: string;
     * The value for this data
    value: string;
     * The UUID for this field
    fieldId: string;
     * The type of field
    fieldType:  'text' | 'textarea' | 'number' | 'checkbox' | 'radio' | 'email' | 'url' | 'date';
     * The name of the field
    fieldName: string;


Files are attached to items on the agenda, they can be images, or regular files. For images cropped variants of the image may be available depending on the event configuration.

Note that files are not included by default. To add files browse to the configuration for the publication and set the ‘Do you want to include attached files in the feed’ option.

     * A unique ID for the file
    id: string;

     * The name of the file
    fileName: string;

     * The type of the file
    type: {

         * This file type was created for this event
        isPredefined: false;
         * The name of the file type eg 'Slides'
        name: string;
         * A uuid for this file type
        id: string;
    } | {

         * This is a predefined file type
        isPredefined: true;
         * The name of the file type eg 'Speaker Profile Image'
        name: string;
         * The type of predefined file
         * Additional types may be added from time to time
        id: 'generic' | 'contributorHeadshot' | 'contributorLogo' | 'locationLogo' | 'locationSponsorLogo' | 'trackLogo'

     * The size, in bytes, of the file
    size: number;

     * The mimeType of the file
    mimeType: string;

     * The URL to retrieve the file
    url: string;

     * The variants of this file
     * For images these are the different sizes of image available
    variants: FileVariant[];


Image files have ‘variants’ which are the image scaled to fit within

The properties are the same as a regular File with an additional scale attribute

File & {
     * The size the image was scaled to fit within
     * THUMB = 128x128
     * SMALL = 256x256
     * MEDIUM = 512x512
     * LARGE = 1024x1024
     * FULL = The same resolution as the originally uploaded image
    scale: 'THUMB' | 'SMALL' | 'MEDIUM' | 'LARGE' | 'FULL';


Both Contributor and Session have origins property, which is any array containing the detail of which submissions this Contributor of Session was created from.

At present ‘submission’ is the only ContentOrigin type. More types may be added in the future, with different shapes, so do be sure to check that type === 'submission' when processing these.

Once a Contributor or Session has been created the original source of the object may become deleted. In which case deleted will be true in the respective entry below.

    type: 'submission';
     * The owner of the Submission. I.e. the Submitter
    owner: {
        id: string;
        name: string;
        email: string;
        deleted: boolean;
     * The name and id of the Submission from which this object was created
    submission: {
        id: string;
        name: string;
        deleted: boolean;
     * The event in which the submission exists
    event: {
        id: string;
        name: string;
        deleted: boolean;
     * The current stage of the submission, eg 'Submitted'
    stage: {
        id: string;
        name: string;
        deleted: boolean;
     * Any labels attached to the submission
     * This includes labels in the same event as the JSON publication and also labels in other events
     * So be sure to filter by event.id if you are only interested in fields in a particular event
    labels: {
        id: string;
        event: {
            id: string;
            name: string;
            deleted: boolean;
        name: string;
        deleted: boolean;

Source References

If the event is using ‘Data Sources’ then a mapping between the URI of the source, and the ID’s of the objects at the source.

{ [sourceService: string]: string[] };

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Email support@lineupninja.com and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.​​​​​