
Lineup Ninja can integrate your agenda data with Swoogo.

Create the integration

In your Lineup Ninja event, click the ‘Publish’ menu item and then click the ‘Integrate’ button under ‘Swoogo’. This will create a new integration.

A dialog will be displayed, compete the requested fields:

Event Id

This can be found in the first column in the list of events in the Swoogo console.

Customer API Key and Customer Secret

Create these by clicking your name in the top right of the Swoogo console and choosing ‘Account Setup’. Scroll down to ‘API Keys’ and generate one.

Filtering Content

You can choose which speakers and sessions you want to publish to mys. For example you may have sessions that you do not want to be published ahead of the event. There are various options for ‘Filter Speakers’ and ‘Filter Sessions’. If you need assistance with configuring these please ask.

Tidying Up Data

There are two options you can configure to automatically tidy up data in mys when a session becomes unscheduled or deleted, If you need assistance with configuring these please ask.

Publishing your schedule

To update the speakers and sessions in mys the schedule needs to be published. This will update the data in mys.

To publish your schedule just click the ‘Publish’ button!

You may be asked if you wish to publish a ‘Full’ schedule or a ‘Changes Only’ update. Swoogo limits the number of times we can call their API per minute so a ‘Full’ publish can take several minutes. In most instances a ‘Changes Only’ publish will be much quicker and achieve the same results.