
Lineup Ninja can integrate Snöball in two ways. You can publish your agenda to Snöball, documented on this apge, and you can integrate the ‘Snöball Social Widget’, which you can learn about here

Integrating your agenda into Snöball enables you to push your agenda with an initial set of content, then refresh as your agenda evolves.

Create the integration

Follow these steps to get the integration initially configured.

Step 1: Ask Snöball for a ‘Webhook URL’ for your event.

Step 2: In your Lineup Ninja event, click the ‘Publish’ menu item and then click the ‘Integrate’ button under ‘Snöball’. This will create a new integration.

Step 3: A screen will pop up where you can input the ‘Webhook URL’ you have been given by Snöball. You can also configure the integration to only include a subset of your agenda content if you wish. Save the configuration when complete.

Step 4: Click ‘Publish’ to publish your agenda. This will make the agenda available for Snöball to import.

Step 5: You will see a message like this. Hover over it and click, this will copy the details to your clipboard. Now give those details to Snöball so they can configure their side of the integration.

Publishing your schedule

To update the speakers and sessions in Snöball the schedule needs to be published. This will update the data in Snöball providing the ‘webhook’ has been configured.

To publish your schedule just click the ‘Publish’ button!