
How do I add branding to automated emails?

You can add a simple header or footer image to your emails to brand them.

What’s the best size image to use for the email header image?

Using an image with the same dimensions as your CFP header works fine: 1200 x 300 pixels.

What’s the best size image to use for the email footer image?

Again, it depends on what visual effect you’re trying to achieve, but we find that 1200 x 300 pixels usually looks OK.

What should I put in the ‘From Contact Name’ field?

By default, this will be automatically filled with the title of your Call for Papers.

What email address are automated emails sent from?

All automated emails are sent from for Eventscase Abstracts users

Can I change the email address that the automated emails are sent from, so it comes from e.g.

Yes, this can be achieved, but it will require some changes by you, your IT department or web team. We can advise you on this for a small fee.

What sender name (AKA display name) will appear in automated emails?

This varies depending on the type of email:

  1. The sender name in team members’ (including reviewers) login emails is ‘Lineup Ninja’.
  2. The sender name in CFP-related emails is the title of the call for papers:
    • Submitter login emails
    • Invite submissions
    • Nudge draft submitter
    • Submission confirmation
    • Submission acceptance notification
    • Waiting list notification
    • Submission declined notification
    • Withdrawal confirmation
    • Confirmation
    • Notification of in-app messages etc
  3. The sender name in reviewer notification emails is “Lineup Ninja’:
    • Review assignment notification
    • Reminders / deadline approaching
    • Repeat review request
    • Cancelled review notification

What address should I put in the reply-to field?

By default, this will be set to the team owner’s email address. You may want to change this to a shared inbox, or the address of another member of the team if you want them to handle incoming emails from submitters and reviewers.